The hamlet of Greenan got its start in 1914 when the CNR completed its survey of the section of line between Elrose and Eston.
The name of Greenan was submitted to the CNR by Matthew McTaggart Bone, or his brother John Bone.
Greenan was the name of an early 15th century castle on the Firth of Clyde in Ayrshire Scotland,
near where Matt and his nine brothers and one sister had grown up.
The Post Office opened on August 1, 1912, and closed on August 22, 1973.
The town store had been moved into the hamlet by John Bone over the prairie by oxen from Ridpath in the early homestead days.
He ran it for a short time and then it passed into other hands.
Matt and Ruth Bone bought the store in the late 1930s and ran it until 1969 when they retired.
Don and Thelma Bone then took it over and ran it until 1973 when it was closed.
Town history and photos courtesy of Doug Bone.
Ariel view from 1989
School from the top of the elevator. 1949 by Archie Bone
Store/Post Office in 1980 shortly before it was torn down.
1949 by Archie Bone
The last steam train through the town 1950s. Taken by Maurice Bone